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A bean is the seed of several plants in the family Fabaceae, which are used as vegetables for human or animal food. They can be cooked in many different ways, including boiling, frying, and baking, and are used in many traditional dishes throughout the world.


SKU: 0122
PriceFrom ₹40.00
  • 5 Heart-Healthy Beans and the Best Ways to Eat Them

    • Black Beans: A Household Staple Rich in Antioxidants. ...
    • Chickpeas: A Yummy Legume That Will Help Keep Your Blood Sugar Low. ...
    • Navy Beans: A High-Fiber Option That Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease. ...
    • Pinto Beans: Affordable and Easy to Prepare. ...
    • Soybeans: 'Meat Without Bones'
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